Carbon2Nature Mon, 05 Aug 2024 08:26:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Carbon2Nature 32 32 Carbon2Nature presents Spain’s largest public-private forestry project in La Vera Wed, 19 Jun 2024 06:26:00 +0000 2.

With this project, its operating portfolio represents nearly 2 million trees planted or pending execution that will capture more than 800,000 tons of CO2.

In addition, its portfolio under negotiation would involve the planting of more than 20 million trees and the capture of more than 14 million tons of CO2.]]>

Carbon2Nature has presented its emblematic project “La Vera Carbon2Nature” at an event organized in Jaraíz de la Vera (Cáceres). Developed in the Dehesa Boyal de Jaraíz de la Vera, it is the largest forestry project in Spain of public-private collaboration in a public land, being the first to be carried out in the long term (50 years).

The project will manage 1,499 hectares of Spanish dehesa and will involve the planting of more than 700,000 trees in 467 hectares affected by degradation processes that will capture 186,000 tCO2. The objective is to regenerate and conserve a high-value dehesa ecosystem thanks to an innovative forest transformation plan. This includes the planting of holm and cork oaks, the introduction of a transitional species (Pinus pinaster) and accompanying species to enrich biodiversity (hawthorn, cornicabra, ash, chestnut and pyrenean…).

And all of this while creating job opportunities and preserving the traditional uses of extensive livestock farming and other uses of great value for the local population (hunting, recreational, cultural). This will be possible thanks to a phased planting design.

An important step for Carbon2Nature

With this project, Carbon2Nature continues to advance in its mission to capture and sequester more than 60 million tons of CO2 in natural sinks, thanks to the development of a global and diversified portfolio of conservation, management and restoration projects in various ecosystems. For its financing, it uses among other tools, carbon markets, applying an approach that guarantees the highest standards of integrity, long-term positive impact and a commitment to innovation and collaboration. 

In one year, Carbon2Nature already has fifteen projects under development and more than 40 under study in ten countries, with a focus on Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Australia. Its strategy focuses on reforestation and sustainable forest management projects, with more than eleven on-going projects in Spain, covering an area of more than 2,500 hectares, and one in Colombia of 5,000 hectares.

It is also positioning in projects in marine ecosystems known as blue carbon, developing a mangrove restoration project in Mexico and a pioneering pilot for planting posidonia meadows in Spain. It also has an on-going pilot project to avoid methane in livestock farming in Spain .

In total, its on-going portfolio involves nearly 2 million trees planted or pending execution that will capture more than 800,000 tons of CO2. In addition, there is a broad portfolio under negotiation that would involve the planting of more than 20 million trees and the capture of more than 14 million tons of CO2.

Carbon2Nature team

Recovering our ecosystems and enhancing them through innovation and long-term sustainable management. In this case, more than 700,000 trees will be planted in collaboration with the administration, under a unique approach of sustainability and quality, benefiting local communities and ensuring compatibility with traditional forest uses

Agustín Delgado, Iberdrola’s Global Director of Innovation and Sustainability.

Carbon2Nature joins forces with the Spanish Forum on Forests and Climate Change Thu, 07 Dec 2023 10:19:32 +0000

Carbon2Nature (C2N) joins the Forum Forests and Climate Change on the basis of its commitment to the conservation and recovery of Spanish forests as an essential way to contribute to the fight against climate change.

The Forum on Forests and Climate Change is a non-profit association that brings together organizations in the forest sector and other related entities. Since its creation in 2006, it has been working to highlight the role that forests, as well as their products and services, play in climate action and the ecological transition.

With the incorporation of Carbon2Nature into this space for debate and joint work, the company, a subsidiary of Iberdrola, advances in its mission to contribute to the recognition and encouragement of the forestry sector as a generator of long-term sustainable socio-economic development, promoting co-responsibility, sustainable management, and alliances with the rest of the agents.

Importance of Spanish forests in climate action

Spain has the second largest forest heritage in the European Union, after Sweden, with a forest area that occupies 56% of the national territory. This represents about 28.43 million hectares, of which 19.27 million are forests and the rest other plant formations.

Its contribution to climate action, through its recovery and sustainable forest management, is essential, highlighting, among others, their:

Functioning as natural carbon sinks

Fixing more than 10% of national greenhouse gas emissions annually, with studies suggesting that this figure could be up to 25%.

Contribution to the water regime and to the quality water

Thanks to the forests that protect most of our watersheds and act against soil erosion and the growing threat of droughts.

Promotion of the bioeconomy with new biological resources

Resins, wood, fruits, etc., that are an alternative to other more carbon-intensive (e.g., concrete in construction)

Role as an important habitat for biodiversity

Hosting more than 600 wild species under the Special Protection regime.

Source: Forests and Climate Change Forum – Inputs to the draft national integrated energy and climate plan (PNIEC).

Mesta and Carbon2Nature join forces to reduce methane emissions in the primary sector Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:00:04 +0000

Madrid, 28 November 2023Mesta, a company created by Pascual Innoventures and 7r, and Carbon2Nature, a new firm launched by Iberdrola to reduce the global carbon footprint through nature-based solutions, join forces to promote decarbonisation in the primary sector. They will reduce methane emissions from the enteric fermentation process in livestock farming through a strategic alliance which, in turn, will provide strong social and economic support for the agri-food industry.

Thanks to this agreement, the two companies will co-develop an innovative pilot project focused on acting on methane emissions, a greenhouse gas with an impact 80 times greater than CO2 over a period of 20 years and a permanence in the atmosphere of more than a decade. In particular, the project has a first phase of implementation where it is estimated that 600 tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emitted by the cows of several farms supplying Pascual will be eliminated. The initiative is designed to evolve and expand to other livestock farms with the aim of exceeding 5,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided by 2025.

The program is based on improving the cows’ feed, always maintaining their productivity and wellbeing. Dairy cows will receive precision feeding through a specific supplement that reduces between 10% and 20% their methane emissions from enteric fermentation.

These reductions will be certified through an accredited entity and will be registered as carbon credits that can be purchased by companies committed to accelerating the decarbonization of the primary sector. These credits will be traceable back to their origin thanks to Trinity AgTech’s blockchain technology and will receive certification from EQA.

In this respect Diego Paradinas, CEO of MESTA points out that “this alliance between two leading companies, which share the same business philosophy, allows us to move forward in the construction of a more prosperous and sustainable future. We have made a joint commitment, and this is none other than positioning ourselves as drivers of change.”

For his part, Miguel Ángel García Tamargo, director of Carbon2Nature, points out that, “this project is part of our innovation line to support emerging decarbonization solutions with great potential to scale thanks to carbon finance. Together with a reference in the dairy sector such as Pascual, this pilot allows us to address an important source of emissions, difficult to eliminate and which, to date, has received little research and funding. Its success will bring significant benefits to the agricultural sector, helping to decouple its climate impact from production.”

Currently, the project is implemented in six farms located in the provinces of León, Lugo, Palencia and Pontevedra which, in addition to contributing significantly to reducing the impact of the activity of the agri-food sector, also serve as social and economic support or for their local communities. In this way, the project is also positioned as a driving tool for the transformation and revitalization of the rural environment.

The Power of Collaboration to Accelerate the Green Transition

In a context of climate emergency, it is essential to work together with leading companies that share values and objectives, as is the case of the strategic alliance reached by Mesta and Carbon2Nature, which are backed by leading companies in their sectors and with a firm commitment to sustainability.

Thus, in the case of Carbon2Nature, the new company promoted by Iberdrola was created with the mission of developing high-impact emissions reduction and carbon capture projects that reduce the global carbon footprint, improve biodiversity, and promote a sustainable economy.

A purpose that it shares with Mesta, a company of Pascual Innoventures and 7R Ventures, which has become the first platform in Spain aimed at companies that want to reduce or offset their emissions with local projects with short-term impact.

Thanks to the experience, the high degree of specialization and the firm commitment of both companies to local financing and the implementation of highly traceable actions, the project is expected to evolve substantially in the coming years.

About Pascual Innoventures

Pascual Innoventures is Pascual’s open innovation arm and immerses itself in the entrepreneurial ecosystem to create alliances with startups that share the same philosophy; anticipate the world’s food needs and present it to society. It’s about providing the consumer with a memorable experience while also contributing to the survival of our beautiful planet.

It was born as a different model of Corporate Venture Capital to identify and develop new growth and business opportunities. It is a commitment of the Pascual family, created as an independent company, which works autonomously, more agilely, but shares the same vision and values as the company. It was born as a different model of Corporate Venture Capital to identify and develop new growth and business opportunities. It is a commitment of the Pascual family, created as an independent company, which works autonomously, more agilely, but shares the same vision and values as the company.

We have 4 pillars: Explore, Invent, Invest and Accelerate. Our goal is to help startups develop to grow hand in hand. We are not only an investment vehicle, but also an accelerator partner that will accompany them throughout the process, from the development of the idea or business to the search for other investors.

From Pascual Innoventures came Mylkcubator, the first global incubator focused on the detection and development of highly innovative startups specialized in the application of new technologies to the value chain of the dairy industry, which is already in its second edition.

About Carbon2Nature

Carbon2Nature is a company 100% owned by Iberdrola that promotes Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) projects to reduce the global carbon footprint, promote biodiversity and foster a sustainable economy. Its objective is to capture and fix more than 60 million tonnes of CO2 in natural sinks thanks to the promotion of ecosystem conservation and restoration projects on more than 100,000 hectares, mainly forestry, but also coastal or agricultural ecosystems.

Carbon2Nature harnesses the potential of carbon credit markets, driving the development of in-house or collaborative projects that will generate high quality carbon credits, which Carbon2Nature will make available to its customers to support them on their path to net zero emissions, complementing ambitious decarbonisation strategies.

Practical guide to help businesses navigate the Voluntary Carbon Market Wed, 25 Oct 2023 07:09:46 +0000

Prepared by the World Economic Forum, with the support of Bain & Company and a group of companies with broad representation in the industry, including Iberdrola, this report highlights the urgent need to unlock the full potential of the voluntary carbon market to speed up climate action and protect nature.

To scale it up, the report provides practical guidance for business to develop high-integrity engagement based on four lines of action:

Define net-zero role for credits

How to define a clear role for carbon credits on the path to net zero, complementary to decarbonization

Create value and recognition

How to realize tangible value and gain recognition from key stakeholders through use of carbon credits

Tailor a portfolio

How to build and tailor a portfolio of carbon credits to maximize impact on the path to net zero.

Orchestrate the effort

How to align and mobilize in-house expertise for effective VCM participations as part of a wider sustainability agenda.

And don’t miss the Carbon2Nature case study as an example of how businesses can interact internally with the voluntary carbon market!

Discovering the carbon credit market Wed, 25 Oct 2023 07:07:13 +0000

What are carbon credit markets?

A carbon credit is a transferable instrumentcertified by governments or private entities, that represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) that a project can either avoid or reduce compared to a baseline,or absorb from the CO2 already present in the atmosphere. These projects can use natural solutions, such as deforestation prevention (reduction) or reforestation (removal), or technological solutions, such as renewables (reduction) or direct air capture of CO22 also known as DAC (removal).

Most credit purchases are driven by a voluntary motivation on the part of companies, governments, and individuals to contribute to their climate goals. This has given rise to what is known as the voluntary carbon credit market (VCM), even though there are some cases in which its purchase is required or promoted by a regulatory framework.

Voluntary markets work differently to regulated carbon markets, also known as ETS (Emissions Trading System), which exist in several regions of the world, including the European Union. These sell emission allowances under the “polluter pays” principle (the obligation to pay for emissions).


Why are they important?

Together with the priority of far-reaching decarbonisation, the United Nations highlights the fact that, to achieve the goal of keeping the temperature increase below 1.5°C, we also need to increase the removal of carbon from the atmosphere and guarantee the protection and restoration of nature. However, current policies are not bringing us closer to this goal and there is a significant funding gap for innovation and for scaling up the necessary solutions.

This is the case with many nature-based solutions, such as conserving and restoring forests, which play an essential role in reducing and removing emissions but are insufficiently funded. The United Nations has estimated that the funds spent on these solutions must double by 2025 and triple by 2030 to meet global climate and biodiversity goals.

In this context, carbon credit markets constitute an essential component of climate policy, mobilising, at speed and scale, the urgently needed public and private funding. The income from selling credits allows the development of a wide range of projects that contribute to global mitigation but would otherwise be uneconomic and could not be funded.


At the same time many of these projects:

Help scale and reduce the cost of emerging and innovative solutions.

Generate broader environmental, social and economic benefits (e.g. biodiversity).

Generate cross-border capital flows, especially to developing economies, which have great potential for development but involve greater barriers.

They therefore play an important role in a scenario in which each sector and region starts from a different point of carbon dependence, some lacking viable technical options for immediate decarbonisation but with the capacity to finance projects with high mitigation potential as they progress with their decarbonisation pathway.


How are carbon credits generated, marketed and used?

For a project to generate credits, it must be registered and certified with a recognised standard that guarantees its quality and prevents double accounting. Once issued, they can pass through several intermediaries before being finally withdrawn from the market by the final buyer, who can claim the underlying result towards achieving their own climate goals. De esta manera, permite a las empresas utilizarlos como complemento en el marco de estrategias ambiciosas de descarbonización alineadas con la ciencia, para neutralizar sus emisiones residuales o financiar mitigación climática adicionalIn this way, companies can use them as an additional tool within the framework of ambitious science-based decarbonisation strategies to neutralise their residual emissions or fund additional climate mitigation.

Carbon Credit Value Chain


What is the situation in this market

Driven by net zero emissions targets, the voluntary carbon market is maturing and consolidating. There are important dynamics of change marked by new players entering the market and the establishment of a new quality framework, with promising, regulations, initiatives and technologies that help generate trust in the market and in the legitimate use of credits in ambitious decarbonisation strategies.


Some of the notable initiatives are:

In guaranteeing the quality of credits, Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM) is particularly important. It has established the common principles that projects issuing carbon credits must comply with (Core Carbon Principles) and the procedures to validate the standards that can issue eligible “CCP” credits.

To ensure quality in their use and prevent greenwashing practices, the net zero emissions standard of the “Science-Based Targets (SBTi)” initiative and the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative establish a legitimate framework for using credits in corporate net zero emissions strategies:

Framework for the use of credits in net-zero strategies

We hope that this introduction to the carbon credit markets has helped you understand the nature of this sector a little better. We will gradually update our opinion articles, adding more information of interest about this project and its related subjects.. We invite you to follow our blog to stay tuned for news and be able to delve deeper into this topic.

We attend the Congress on Corporate Investment in Forests and Biodiversity in London Sun, 08 Oct 2023 09:11:00 +0000

The Congress on Corporate Investment in Forests and Biodiversity held on 4 and 5 October in London has highlighted the urgency of addressing our unsustainable relationship with nature and channelling funding to conserve and restore it.

Under this premise, the panel organised by Carbon2Nature was developed, with the participation of its managing director, Miguel Angel García Tamargo, together with Alexis Leroy, CEO of ALLCOT, and Ousmane Fall Sarr, Coordinator of the West African Alliance on Carbon Markets.

Living up to its title “Cost-effectiveness of Nature-based Solutions Beyond Carbon Markets”, it highlighted the need to promote incentives and innovative investment models in natural capital with the aim of attracting private-sector funding and experience, and the fact that this could be reflected in the company’s value.

Miguel Angel García Tamargo also took part in the panel “Project Finance”. The managing director of Carbon2Nature explained both the opportunities and barriers that can arise when tackling a project, and also presented risk management solutions.

The quality principles that should govern this kind of action, which can only be successful in the long term with the backing of the local communities where the projects are carried out, were also addressed. Local people should share in the benefits, showing a high degree of interaction and support for the projects.

The importance of methodological and technological progress in terms of measuring and monitoring the effectiveness of projects was also highlighted. For this reason, several innovative initiatives and tools contributing to increasing investor confidence in the projects were presented at the congress.

Would you like to know about all the topics discussed at the congress? We invite you to watch a recording of it at the following link:

Iberdrola launches Carbon2Nature to reduce the global carbon footprint through nature-based solutions Mon, 14 Aug 2023 07:11:55 +0000

The new company aims to capture and store in nature more than 61 million tonnes of CO2, which it will make available to its customers in the form of carbon credits.

Carbon2Nature was born out of the conviction that investing in nature is an essential lever for sustainable value creation and profitability.

With a global approach, it will develop nature conservation, management and restoration projects with a high positive environmental and social impact.

Iberdrola launches Carbon2Nature (C2N) with the mission of developing high-impact nature-based solutions projects that reduce the global carbon footprint, improve biodiversity, and promote a sustainable economy. The company was born out of the utility’s conviction that investing in nature is essential to act against the climate and biodiversity crisis, while at the same time acting as a formula for sustainable value creation and profitability.

Carbon2Nature harnesses the potential of carbon credit markets, driving the development of in-house or collaborative projects that will generate high quality carbon credits, which Carbon2Nature will make available to its customers to support them on their path to net zero emissions, complementing ambitious decarbonisation strategies.

The company expects to capture and store in natural sinks more than 61 million tonnes of CO2, thanks to the promotion of ecosystem conservation and restoration projects in more than 100,000 hectares, mainly forests, but also coastal ecosystems (blue carbon) or agricultural soils. These projects will avoid emissions from their degradation, contribute to additional carbon sequestration and at the same time, promote multiple environmental and social benefits. It will also launch initiatives to promote emerging solutions and sustainable production processes.

Its business plan focuses on regions where Iberdrola is present and where these nature-based solutions have significant potential, so that Latin American countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile will host 80% of its projects, while countries in the northern hemisphere, such as Spain, the United Kingdom and Portugal, will account for the remaining 20%. Today, Carbon2Nature is already working on the development of projects in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Spain.

To face the global challenge of climate change, the firm was created with the ambition to make a long-term impact at an international level. In order to achieve this, it is committed to diversification in geographies and projects and promotes collaborative strategies for their development with local communities and other actors, guaranteeing the highest levels of quality. We come to this new market with humility and a desire to do things differently, bringing all of Iberdrola’s experience in sustainability to the world of nature-based solutions and the generation of carbon credits

Miguel Ángel García Tamargo, director of Carbon2Nature

All projects will be certified against internationally recognised quality standards, which will also validate their contribution to improving biodiversity, the well-being of local communities and other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The zero net emissions commitment

Carbon2Nature underscores Iberdrola’s commitment to a sustainable energy model in harmony with nature and people. This model is underpinned by two main objectives: to achieve net-zero emissions in all scopes by 2040 and to have a net positive impact on biodiversity by 2030, according to its Biodiversity Plan.

The company is therefore able to take advantage of the synergies between Iberdrola’s climate and biodiversity objectives, allowing it to expand and extend its internal nature restoration projects, and realising the opportunities of the green economy. As such, in 2020 it launched the Tree Programme to promote the conservation and planting of 20 million trees by 2030.

Iberdrola has launched Carbon2Nature through its start-up programme, PERSEO, which has helped the utility to implement innovative solutions to boost renewable energies, decarbonisation and electrification of the economy, digitalisation of grids, promotion of efficient storage and care for the environment.

The programme’s ecosystem includes more than 7,500 start-ups, including unicorns – companies valued at more than $1 billion – such as electric vehicle charging solutions manufacturer Wallbox and Stem, which offers smart battery storage solutions.
